圖片網 How prince Chen Xiang resued his mother from the Drean Lake (part II) 2011-02-23 How prince Chen Xiang resued his mother from the Drean Lake (part II)(1961)的海報和劇照 How prince Chen Xiang resued his mother from the Drean Lake (part II)于1961年上映。How prince Chen Xiang resued his mother from the Drean Lake (part II)也被叫做沉香太子毒龍潭救母-下集。 How prince Chen Xiang resued his mother from the Drean Lake (part II)演員表 出演How prince Chen Xiang resued his mother from the Drean Lake (part II)的明星有余麗珍, 半日安, 李香琴, 馮寶寶, 黃千歲。 余麗珍 半日安 李香琴 馮寶寶 黃千歲